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Buy good meat: raw goulash cubes on parchment paper September 9th, 2020 | main dishes

Buy good meat – know where!

Do you want to buy good meat and don’t know where? Would you like to cook a good goulash and don’t know how? Here you can find the answers to both questions:

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Venison steak with chilli and blackberry sauce August 20th, 2020 | main dishes

Venison steak with chilli and blackberry sauce

After collecting blueberries and mushrooms on my hikes over the past few weeks, now the blackberries are ripe. They’re plentiful this year, and they’re sun-kissed and sugar-sweet. I processed my harvest into a very fine sauce for the venison steak. Chilli, ginger, red and port wine and the fruity sweetness of blackberries – the sauce is really phantastic…

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Heidelbeeren, frisch gepflückt July 18th, 2020 | main dishes

Picking blueberries – a heavenly pleasure

Blueberries, bilberries – two names for a wonderful fruit. And now it’s season! Anyone who has ever eaten a blueberry pancake with real forest blueberries knows that the effort of picking is worth it. So, let’s go out into the forest…

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