Asian salad freestyle - today they call it "Asia Bowl"
January 31st, 2019 | main dishes
Asian salad freestyle – why “freestyle”? We’ve had a wonderful recipe for Asian salad for ages, which we vary and change over and over again – today, it’s modern to use the English word ‘bowl’ in Germany. There are some components that have to be, such as rice noodles, fish sauce, soy sauce, rice vinegar – and many components that can, such as vegetables, mushrooms, cilantro, nuts and so on… Every time a surprise, what the fridge contains… Take heart and try out!
With this salad, you can let your cooking creativity run wild: Combine other vegetables with the salad or choose instead of chicken breast fish, shrimp or octopus, for example. Welcome to the kingdom of the thousand possibilities.
Weird to offer a recipe for a freestyle dish, I know. But I give it to you to have an idea at hand. This is how it always works!
Asia Salad
(4 portions – Attention: allow the meat to marinate for 30 minutes at least – better longer)
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Black salsify with blood orange hollandaise
Even if spring is in the starting blocks, there are still no local vegetables available. Until the first home-grown asparagus is on our plates, it will take a while – at least for us in the north of Germany. Fortunately, there is the wrongly misunderstood and a little forgotten „winter asparagus“. According to the motto „rough shell – delicious core“ I show you today a recipe for salsify baked in the oven with a blood orange hollandaise.
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