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Text: For all recipes: wash and clean fruits and vegetables before use - clear?

March 27th, 2019 | infopicture

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June 6th, 2018 | on the road

Palma de Majorca: Lunch in an Ancient City Palace

The Spanish island Majorca is a beautiful island. Many people know this. Therefore, unfortunately, it is often very crowded and busy. The inner courtyard of the Sant Francesc Hotel Singular, in the heart of Palma de Majorca with its excellent restaurant Quadrat [square] offers a fantastic oasis. The favorite shore leave of my captain in Palma:

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Pork-Schnitzel with broad white beans and garlic crumble November 24th, 2018 | main dishes

Schnitzel with broad beans and garlic crumble

Pork schnitzel, roasted au naturel, on broad white beans, dried tomatoes and capers – this is one of the dishes that must be on our table from time to time. The roasted garlic crumbs ensure the right crunch and the dish is ready in about 20 minutes. What else could you want?

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Hummus mit Joghurt May 18th, 2019 | side dishes

Hummus with yogurt – homemade!

Hummus is one of the tastiest and healthiest dips I can imagine. Perfect on the BBQ buffet, but also great for your veggie day with a colorful salad and flatbread. How to make the delicious oriental cream of chickpeas and sesame, I tell you in my today’s post.

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