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Red fruit jelly as with grandma

July 23rd, 2018 | Süßes

In July, strawberries, currants, blueberries, blackberries and raspberries abound. The market tables are bending and one would like to buy all of them at once. The famous North German red fruit jelly called “Rote Grütze” always reminds me of childhood days. On hot summer days we enjoyed it with cold milk – and of course the fruits came from Grandma’s garden.

Red fruit jelly as with grandma

“Rote Grütze” used to be barley groats or porridge, refined with the juice of canned berry fruit. Today we make it out of pure fruit – fresh or frozen. Vanilla sauce, cream or – as already mentioned – cold milk is recommended as toppinng. There is nothing better.

Red fruit jelly “Rote Grütze”

(4 portions – Note: choose the berries according to taste and offer)

500 g redcurrants
200 g blackberries
100 g blueberries
200 g of raspberries
clean and place in a bowl
500 ml cherry juice
150 g of sugar
bring to a boil
2 TS starch
4 TS water
stir, add to the hot juice, bring to a boil and pour over the prepared fruits
cool the red fruit jelly and serve with milk, cream or vanilla sauce

And this is how the wife of the captain does it:

This dessert can be wonderfully prepared in Twist Off glasses in stock. To do this, bring the red fruit jelly to a boil again and fill it into hot rinsed glasses. Fill the glasses to the brim, close them and put them on the lid for a few minutes. You can keep the red fruit jelly in the fridge for a few weeks.

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