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Pork-Schnitzel with broad white beans and garlic crumble

Schnitzel with broad beans and garlic crumble

November 24th, 2018 | main dishes

Pork schnitzel, roasted au naturel, on broad white beans, dried tomatoes and capers – this is one of the dishes that must be on our table from time to time. The roasted garlic crumbs ensure the right crunch and the dish is ready in about 20 minutes. What else could you want?

Schnitzel with broad beans and garlic crumble

(4 portions – Preheat oven to 220° C !)

2 slices of bread
cut the crust off the bread and chop coarsely
1-2 cloves of garlic
½ ts sea salt
2 TS olive oil
grind the bread, garlic, salt and oil with the blender, place the crumbs on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and roast at 220° C for approx. 10-15 minutes until the crumbs are golden brown and crispy
400 - 500 g broad white beans from the glass (drained weight)
10 dried tomatoes in oil
30 g of capers
drain in a sieve
1 onion, chopped
1 TS olive oil
fry onions, beans, tomatoes and capers
1 TS of savory
salt, pepper from the mill
4 pork steaks (each about 120 - 150g)
cut each schnitzel in three parts, pound them with a meat tenderizer until slighlty flat, salt and pepper
1 TS olive oil
heat the oil and fry the schnitzel for 2 minutes each side
arrange the schnitzel on the beans and serve sprinkled with garlic crumbs

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August 7th, 2018 | main dishes

BBQ with a difference: hot smoked salmon

A grill with lid, charcoal, beech wood smoking chips, salmon – you’re ready to go. The salmon is on the table in 15 minutes and tastes sensational! In addition a salad and a glass of ice-cold white wine – the summer evening is saved.

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Prime Rib on a cutting board September 16th, 2018 | Restaurants & Hotels

THE WILSON’S Berlin – to our taste!

“Modern, stylish, cosmopolitan” – this is how the new Berlin restaurant THE WILSON’S is characterized. In the heart of City West, the completely refurbished and realigned restaurant at Hotel Crowne Plaza Berlin City Center at Nuremberg Street has re-opened since September. We were there for the pre-opening dinner.

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November 30th, 2017 | sweets

Piedmontese chocolate pudding with vanilla quince

A beautiful and strong coffee, anyone? Then, after a substantial meal, this specialty from the Piedmont is the right! In Piedmont, this pudding is called also Bonèt, because its form probably reminds something to a hat or a chef’s hat. Another story around the Bonèt comes from the Langhe. It states that one puts so to speak “a hat” – a crown – on dinner with this dessert. Anyhow, it tastes excellently and even better when prepared the day before. Incredibly handy when you expect guests.


PS: The Vanilla Quinces are a perfect match!

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