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Asparagus salad with snow peas and orange dressing

April 27th, 2023 | main dishes

Finally spring. Finally asparagus time. Actually, asparagus is a light spring vegetable, BUT what happens when it is eaten with hollandaise sauce, potatoes and ham? Well, my recipe for an asparagus salad with snow peas and orange dressing is much lighter.

Asparagus salad with snow peas and orange dressing Asparagus salad with snow peas and orange dressing

My desire for asparagus is irrepressible every spring. I love asparagus. And that’s why I’ll prepare this asparagus salad when my dearest captain comes back from sea in a few days, because he loves asparagus too.

We only eat asparagus when it has been harvested by local farmers. We don’t make any compromises. Nothing from Spain, nothing from Peru or even China. It’s all the nicer when the waiting time is over and we have the noble white delicacy on our plates again.

We don’t like the classic German version with Hollandaise sauce and ham that much. We love asparagus simply fried in olive oil with Parmesan shavings and sprinkled with pepper, or an asparagus bread salad with Parma ham and Mozarella, or this asparagus salad with snow peas and orange dressing. Just try it!

Instead of snow peas, you can also use fresh or frozen peas or add ½ bunch of rocket to the salad at the very end.

Asparagus salad with snow peas and orange dressing

(2 people as a main course or 4 side dishes)

3-4 TS hazelnuts
roast without fat, rub off the skins with a kitchen towel, roughly chop the nuts, set aside for the garnish
1 organic orange
grate about 1 ts of zest and squeeze out 100 ml of juice
4 TS white wine vinegar
1-2 ts honey
1 TS tarragon mustard
4 TS olive oil
mix the ingredients with the orange zest and the juice to form a dressing
2 sprigs of tarragon
chop the tarragon leaves and add to the dressing, reserving a few whole leaves for the garnish
1 kg asparagus, peeled
cook the asparagus in boiling water with a little salt, sugar and a teaspoon of butter for about 6 minutes
200 g snow peas
add the snow peas and cook for further 2 minutes, the asparagus should not be too soft
lift the asparagus out of the cooking water and arrange it on a plate while still warm and pour the marinade over them
serve garnished with tarragon leaves and hazelnuts

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