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Schwarzwurzelsuppe mit Kräuterseitlingen

Black salsify soup with trumpet royale

March 26th, 2019 | main dishes

Waiting for spring. It’s cold again and stormy. Despite calendar start of spring. That makes you want a hot soup. And before we can finally harvest the first wild garlic, whose tips I have already discovered in the garden, there is again, probably one last time for this season, black salsify. A creamy salsify soup with trumpet royale mushrooms, garnished with lemon peel and our best olive oil.

Black salsify soup with trumpet royale

To peel the black salsify please wear rubber gloves! The milky-sticky juice of salsify colors intense brown! Place the peeled sticks in water with a good dash of vinegar until use, otherwise they also will turn brown.

If you want to give the salsify soup a little exotic twist, you can rub a tonka bean over the finished soup instead of nutmeg. Delicious, promised!

Black salsify soup with trumpet royale

(4 servings as a main dish or 6-8 servings as a starter)

2 bunches of black salsify (about 1 kg)
4 TS white wine vinegar
wash the black roots, peel, rinse again and place in water with vinegar, then cook in boiling salted water for about 20 minutes until the salsify roots are soft, drain
120 g shallots, finely chopped
2 TS butter
fry until glassy
800 ml chicken or vegetable broth (preferably home made)
200 g cream
deglaze the shallots with broth and cream, bring to a boil
add salsify to the cream broth and puree with the hand blender
1-2 ts lemon juice
black pepper from the mill
½-1 ts cayenne pepper
add spices to the soup, season, keep warm
12 very small trumpet royale mushrooms, sliced
2 TS olive oil
fry the trumpet royale slices in the hot oil until golden brown
½ bunch of smooth parsley, chopped
salt, pepper from the mill
season the mushrooms
fill the hot soup on plates or soup bowls, place the mushrooms on top
2 ts of grated organic lemon peel
1 TS olive oil
rub the lemon peel and a little nutmeg over the soup, drizzle with olive oil and serve

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