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Roe fillet with black nuts, chanterelle and pear

Roe fillet with black nuts

January 8th, 2019 | main dishes

Roe fillet or venison saddle in this recipe is seared and served with parsley roots, chanterelles, black walnuts and aromatic pears. There is a potato and celery puree, a sauce of game stock and a béchamel sauce. A perfect plate!

Roe fillet with black nuts

Our forester brought us meat from the fawn. And we finally wanted to try the black walnuts. A product that we did not even know before. I took notice of it on Instagram and was very curious. The combination deer and black nut is simply stunning!

The black walnut is not exotic, but a walnut grown and refined in Germany. In a very complex process, unripe walnuts are processed over several weeks with water and sugar syrup and then stored for about half a year. I cannot help advertising for the company Kauzenberg in Bietigheim-Bissingen in Baden-Württemberg. It is a small family business that sells the black nuts online in dried form or in jars in syrup. A really exciting product the Weipprecht family from Kauzenberg is manufacturing.

By the way: The black nut syrup is ideal for salad dressings. This results in a unique flavor for all winter salads!

The recipe for the game stock used in the recipe can be found here.

But now the recipe:

Roe fillet with black nuts

(4 portions – Attention: Preheat oven to 180° C)

Mashed potatoes and celery

600 g potatoes
100 g celeriac
cut into cubes, cook in salted water until soft, drain
a little warm milk
1 TS butter
salt, pepper, nutmeg
mash the potatoes and celery with the milk and butter, season with the spices


8 small parsley roots
cut into sticks, blanch for 2 minutes in boiling salted water, drain and quench in ice water, set aside
200 g chanterelles (if out of season, take freezed)
2 TS olive oil
fry the chanterelles in the oil
1 shallot, finely chopped
1 garlic clove, finely chopped
8 sprigs of thyme
4 sprigs of rosemary
add and cook all together for 5 minutes, until all liquid has evaporated
salt, pepper from the mill
season, set aside
2 small pears
cut into small slices

Game stock sauce

100 ml game stock
1 ts cornstarch
stir cornstarch in some water, add to the boiling game stock, simmer until thickened
6 black nuts
slice, heat in the sauce

Bechamel Sauce

20 g of butter
melt in a saucepan
20 g of flour
add with the whisk until flour and butter are well combined
250 ml of milk
stir in, simmer until a smooth sauce has formed
salt, pepper, nutmeg

Roe fillets

40 g of streaky bacon
cut into thin strips, fry until crispy
1 kg of fawn or venison saddle without bones
cut into pieces about 10 cm long
3 TS neutral oil (eg rapeseed oil)
sear the meat in hot fat, then finish cooking in the oven at 180° C in about 3-5 minutes, at a core temperature of 50° -55° C, the filet is cooked medium rare
arrange the mashed potatos with the parsley roots, the chanterelles and the pear slices on large plates together with the roe filets, pour the game stock and béchamel sauce over them, drape the black nuts on top and sprinkle with crisp bacon strips


What better way to match this delicious dish than Mambo! A Pinot Noir from the Palatinate of Fritz & Ulli! Read more about them here.

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