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Sauerbraten of deer with marinated with dark beer, dumplings and red cabbage

Sauerbraten of deer with dark beer

December 18th, 2018 | main dishes

A venison roast prepared as Sauerbraten is a tasteful experience. The sauce is made with dark, strong beer. This not only gives the whole roast a nice color, but also malty, very strong aromas. Lucky the one who has a good connection to a forester…

Sauerbraten of deer with dark beer Sauerbraten of deer with dark beer

There are places that I immediately associate with a smell or the taste of a dish. And conversely, there are scents that throw me back to a specific place immediately. So I smell freshly grilled sardines at the thought of Portimao. The smell of pastry freshly baked in lard will forever be associated with the Churros y Chocolate in the Canaries. My hometown of Cuxhaven, on the other hand, is indelibly branded into my memory with its bitter, salty and sometimes slightly musty aroma of the mudflat. And of course with the scence of fish and herring rolls on the beach.

The subtle, sour smell of Sauerbraten on the other hand reminds me of birthdays. That was the dish that I asked my mother for as a teenager for my birthdays. She prepared the Sauerbraten with beef at that time. I also like to use deer. The good wire to the forester just pays off…

Sauerbraten from deer with dark beer

(4 portions – Attention: Marinating time 2 days! – Preheat oven to 200° C)

Serve the Sauerbraten with, for example, dumplings and red cabbage. Of course, spaetzle also fit perfectly

1 deer leg with bone (1 - 1,5 kg)
2 onions, quartered
150 g raisins
75 g almonds, cut into strips
3 cloves
1 ts coarsely ground pepper
1 ts salt
1 pinch of brown sugar
put all the ingredients in a stoneware or glass jar (e.g. casserole dish), do not set the shape too large so that the marinade covers the meat
200 ml white wine vinegar
600 ml (2 bottles) of dark beer
pour over the meat, marinate in the fridge for 48 hours
remove from the refrigerator 6 hours before processing to allow the meat to reach room temperature
sauté the meat in some clarified butter or oil from all sides, deglaze with the marinade and fill up, cook in the oven without lid at 200° C for about 1.5 hours
lift meat from the stock, keep it warm
100 g of streaky bacon, diced
fry until golden brown
200 ml of cream
deglaze, pour the roast stock (with almonds and raisins) to the cream, bring to the boil
2 ts cornstarch
dissolve cornstarch in a bit of cold water, stir in the hot sauce until the desired consistency is achieved

And this is how the wife of the captain does it

If I use frozen venison, I’ll let it thaw in the refrigerator in this marinade. This extends the marinating time to 3 days. The meat thaws particularly gently this way.

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February 10th, 2018 | collaboration

New publication: “I love quinces”

Captain’s dinner publishes recipes in the new cookbook! Quinces are a (almost) forgotten fruit. Hardly anyone knows or uses this fruit today. Markus Wittur is committed to the preservation of ancient varieties of quince. The Franconian “Quince Savior” has published a unique and very personal recipe collection on this golden yellow fruit with a special, so beguiling scent. I’m glad that my recipes and photos are represented in this book.

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July 23rd, 2018 | Süßes

Red fruit jelly as with grandma

In July, strawberries, currants, blueberries, blackberries and raspberries abound. The market tables are bending and one would like to buy all of them at once. The famous North German red fruit jelly called “Rote Grütze” always reminds me of childhood days. On hot summer days we enjoyed it with cold milk – and of course the fruits came from Grandma’s garden.

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Weihnachtsbaum mit Lauschaer Kugeln December 18th, 2017 | menu proposals

Captain’s Christmas menu and Lisa’s wines

Seven days till Christmas and you have still no idea for your festive meal? On Christmas Eve, there is a very traditional food in most families. If there are family and friends visiting you at the holidays, the menu should be something very special, quite clear. I’ve put together a festive menu for you which can be prepared very well. And the best thing is: the menu is coming along with the suitable wine recommendations from the estate of Lisa Bunn. Now, “rescue” is at hand, here you’ll find your perfect Christmas menu.

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