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Aubergine mit orientalisch gewürztem Reh-Hackfleisch und Joghurt December 20th, 2023 | main dishes

Eggplant with oriental spiced venison minced meat and yogurt

This game recipe impresses with a firework of Levantine spices. Cumin, cinnamon, chili, allspice, plus eggplant, yogurt, pomegranate – simply wonderful when the roasted aromas of the spices spread through your kitchen and you suddenly have the Orient as your guest…

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Eggplants in a green sieve August 2nd, 2018 | side dishes

Eggplant Dip – Mediterranean flavour

This dip of eggplant, herbs and yoghurt is a great accompaniment to roast meat and fish. It goes perfectly well with my recipe of Greek mince steaks with grilled watermelon. But even as a starter it is unbeatable: simply serve as a spread on crispy roasted bread. Fits.

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Bifteki oder griechische Hacksteaks mit gegrillter Wassermelone July 29th, 2018 | main dishes

Bifteki with grilled watermelon

Bifteki thats the Greek name for minced steaks. A short trip to Greece, that’s it. Currently, we do not have to complain in northern Germany about lack of sunshine. This summer, even the holiday on our balcony is fun. And with Bifteki from the grill, we get the ultimate culinary holiday feeling.

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Aubergine Antipasti Mozzarella February 23rd, 2018 | starter

Eggplant & mozzarella

Eggplants are indispensable to an Italian appetizer plate. In this recipe eggplant, tomato, prosciutto and mozzarella enter a creamy liaison. Ready in 30 minutes the sunny taste makes me believe that summer is not far…

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