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Aubergine Antipasti Mozzarella

Eggplant & mozzarella

February 23rd, 2018 | starter

Eggplants are indispensable to an Italian appetizer plate. In this recipe eggplant, tomato, prosciutto and mozzarella enter a creamy liaison. Ready in 30 minutes the sunny taste makes me believe that summer is not far…

Eggplant with mozzarella

(serves 4)

2 eggplants
cut into slices (1 cm)
6 TS olive oil
sauté slices about 5 minutes, remove, drain on kitchen paper
salt, pepper
season, put on baking tray lined with baking paper
4 tomatoes
cut into slices, place one on each eggplant slice, salt and pepper
1 bunch basil
put some basil aside for the decoration, finely cut the remaining and spread on the tomatoes
100 g Parma ham
pluck in pieces, place on top
2 mozzarella cheese (125 g) each
cut into slices and place on top
bake the eggplant “tower” under the preheated grill (240 ° C) for about 8 minutes
serve garnished with remaining basil leaves

And that’s how the wife of the captain does it

For this dish, I don’t use a simple black pepper, but a special pepper mixture called “Jahreszeiten Gewürz” which means season’s seasoning of a German spice specialist called “Altes Gewürzamt”. This is my absolute favorite spice with tomatoes. It is a sort of pepper (piper nigrum) in five different processing stages. Steaks and tomatoes? Only with good salt and Jahreszeiten Gewürz, nothing else.


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Heidelbeeren, frisch gepflückt July 18th, 2020 | main dishes

Picking blueberries – a heavenly pleasure

Blueberries, bilberries – two names for a wonderful fruit. And now it’s season! Anyone who has ever eaten a blueberry pancake with real forest blueberries knows that the effort of picking is worth it. So, let’s go out into the forest…

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Zitronen February 3rd, 2019 | bread & pastries

Lemon and orange cake a la Martha Zwerg

Sometimes the simplest recipes are the best and quite often these are the old family recipes. So it is with this wonderful lemon and orange cake. Quickly prepared, let it steep overnight and it is as juicy and as fruity like no other cake – just perfect!

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Weihnachtsbaum mit Lauschaer Kugeln December 18th, 2017 | menu proposals

Captain’s Christmas menu and Lisa’s wines

Seven days till Christmas and you have still no idea for your festive meal? On Christmas Eve, there is a very traditional food in most families. If there are family and friends visiting you at the holidays, the menu should be something very special, quite clear. I’ve put together a festive menu for you which can be prepared very well. And the best thing is: the menu is coming along with the suitable wine recommendations from the estate of Lisa Bunn. Now, “rescue” is at hand, here you’ll find your perfect Christmas menu.

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