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Spaghetti Muffins mit Tomatensalat February 18th, 2018 | main dishes

Spaghetti – quite addictive

Italians probably will tear their hair about my recipe for spaghetti muffins. I have the heart to publish it anyway. There are at least seven good reasons for it:

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Erbsensuppe mit Garnele December 31st, 2017 | starter

“Last-minute“ pea soup

Outside I hear the first firecrackers, 2017’s grand finale approaches. If you want to conjure up a quick midnight soup, here comes another idea for a rapid recipe. No, actually not a recipe, but rather a “free-style” instructions with ingredients you certainly have at hands.

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Kale with Potato Waffles and ham November 2nd, 2017 | main dishes

Kale with air-dried ham and warm potato waffles

When I was a child I did not like kale. I qualified this statement when I travelled to Shanghai and tasted sea cucumbers. Today I eat kale, but I still don’t like our traditional German way to prepare kale. Too fat, too ugly, too heavy. And then this sausage called „Pinkel“?!? Last autumn I gave kale a second chance. I must admit it’s a very tasty vegetable. It’s only a matter of how to prepare it. Try this.

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