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Spaghetti Muffins mit Tomatensalat

Spaghetti - quite addictive

February 18th, 2018 | main dishes

Italians probably will tear their hair about my recipe for spaghetti muffins. I have the heart to publish it anyway. There are at least seven good reasons for it:

Spaghetti - quite addictive

Our spaghetti cupcakes are

  • very easy to prepare
  • done at lightning speed
  • super tasty
  • ideal as a lunch-time snack
  • taste hot and cold
  • great on a buffet or for a picnic
  • the big hit with children

With this post I take part in the blogparade “Unkompliziert und geschmackvoll” of “Optic Food”.

Spaghetti cupcakes

(yields 12 pieces)

100 g of bacon, diced
1 TS olive oil
fry the bacon and drain on paper towels, skim the fat, if too much
1 onion, chopped
1 garlic clove, chopped
fry in the remaining frying fat until soft
200 ml cream
4 eggs
50 g Parmesan, grated
Salt, pepper
250 g spaghetti
cook the pasta according to package instructions in salted water, drain
mix bacon, onions, egg mixture and pasta and fill in greased muffin cases
75 g Parmesan, grated
75 g mature cheese, grated
mix, spread on the top
bake for 15-20 minutes at 180° C




And that’s how the wife of the captain does it

With a salad of tomato, Burrata [Italian creamy cheese], pesto and some roasted pine nuts the small compact pasta packages are a nice main dish.

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Lueneburg Heath, break at Heidschnucken trail, flowers and hiking boots July 17th, 2018 | Landgänge

On foot: 120 kilometers on the “Heidschnucken” trail

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