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Portulak-Mango-Salat mit Schichtkäse-Bällchen June 2nd, 2022 | main dishes

Layered cheese from the Jithof cheese dairy

What exactly is layered cheese and what can you do with it? A little product information and a recipe for a purslane and mango salad with layered cheese balls. Here we go:

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Carrots with nut crumble, dill oil and yoghurt April 28th, 2022 | main dishes

Carrots with nut crumble, dill oil and yoghurt

Good old carrot completely different: Carrots cooked al dente are served cold on yoghurt, along with aromatic dill oil and a crumble of hazelnuts, almonds, black sesame seeds and a pinch of cumin. A great performance for our honest carrot!

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Venison steak with chilli and blackberry sauce August 20th, 2020 | main dishes

Venison steak with chilli and blackberry sauce

After collecting blueberries and mushrooms on my hikes over the past few weeks, now the blackberries are ripe. They’re plentiful this year, and they’re sun-kissed and sugar-sweet. I processed my harvest into a very fine sauce for the venison steak. Chilli, ginger, red and port wine and the fruity sweetness of blackberries – the sauce is really phantastic…

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Sommersalat mit Wassermelone, Halloumi und orientalischen Gewürzen July 26th, 2020 | main dishes

Summer salad with watermelon, halloumi and oriental spices

May the hot days come. You are always right with this refreshing, light summer salad. You can vary all ingredients, only the spices sumac and zatar are a must!

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Heidelbeeren, frisch gepflückt July 18th, 2020 | main dishes

Picking blueberries – a heavenly pleasure

Blueberries, bilberries – two names for a wonderful fruit. And now it’s season! Anyone who has ever eaten a blueberry pancake with real forest blueberries knows that the effort of picking is worth it. So, let’s go out into the forest…

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