Campari orange in white pantsuit
August 28th, 2018 |
Many years ago, I once met an elderly, chic lady in a white pantsuit on the pier of Usedom [island at the Baltic Sea]. She was sitting there enjoying a Campari orange. As she left, she stopped by our table, said what great kids we had, and left. That was a magical moment. Since then, I have dreamed of living in the house by the sea, drinking my Campari orange in my white pantsuit in the early evening. I’m still working on it. And until then there is the drink as a cake. My Campari cake is the cracker in the summer!
The mascarpone quark cream is summerly refreshing, and the slightly bitter Campari flavor is just right for hot summer days.
Campari Cake
(Attention: cooling time at least 2 hours, can cool overnight without any problems – A total of 255 ml of freshly squeezed orange juice is needed)
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