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Carinthian cake seen through a smartphone display

Carinthian cake - like on the alp

November 1st, 2018 |

An Austrian farmer’s wife gave me the recipe for this traditional Carinthian cake. Many years ago, when there was no internet and no airbnb, we had rented their mountain hut for the summer holidays. A hut without running water, without electricity and light. But with a wood stove, ringing cowbells, marmots and heavenly peace. As a welcome gift, we found this cake on the table. When I bake it today, I can almost smell the hut.

Carinthian cake - like on the alp

The “Kärntner Reindling” is one of the most traditional pastries in Austria. It is named after the baking dish, the “Reindl” which is a rather flat form to traditionally bake the yeast cake in. In Austria, they like to eat it already for breakfast or at coffee time, coated with fresh alpine butter or pure.

Carinthian cake

500 g flour
put the flour in a bowl, press a small deepening in the middle with a spoon
40 g of yeast
crumble yeast into the deepening
1 TS of sugar
¼ l lukewarm milk
add the sugar and some of the milk, stir with some flour to a pre-dough, cover with a dishcloth and allow to rise for about 30 minutes in a warm place
70 g sugar
1 packet of vanilla sugar
1 pinch of salt
3 eggs
120 g soft butter
add the remaining milk, sugar, vanilla sugar, salt, eggs and butter and knead until you have a smooth dough, roll out the dough on a floured work surface approx. 2 cm thick
50 g of melted butter
spread butter on the dough
100 g of sugar
1 TS cinnamon
mix and sprinkle on the dough
100 g raisins
wash, drain and spread evenly over the dough, now roll in the dough and place in a well greased ring cake pan or an box shape pan
cover with a dishcloth and let it rest for another 30 minutes
bake at 180° C for about 50 - 60 minutes
allow to cool in the mould, then remove
2 TS icing sugar
dust with powdered sugar and serve

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