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Greetings from Bella Italia

June 1st, 2018 | main dishes

The temperatures keep up with Bella Italia, the bright colours of this Italian Minestrone soup make you happy. When snipping all the fine vegetables you can almost see him in your mind’s eye: Luigi, who rattles with his red Vespa on the Tuscan country roads. Close your eyes and dream a little bit about Italy… A light meal for those hot days, a feast for all the senses.

Greetings from Bella Italia Greetings from Bella Italia

Italian minestrone

(serves 4)

4 spring onions
4 celery stalks
1 kohlrabi
400 g potatoes
1 big carrot
1 red pepper
cut vegetables into rings or cubes
1 handful of Brussels sprouts
cut in halfs
4 TS olive oil
heat, sauté the vegetables in it
2 ts brown vanilla sugar (see tip below)
sprinkle over the vegetables, caramelize
100 ml white wine
600 ml chicken broth (preferably homemade)
add, simmer for 10 minutes
4 TS pesto
½ bunch of basil, cut into strips
ciabatta or baguette bread
arrange the soup with one tablespoon of pesto per plate and strips of basil, serve with the bread

and this is how the wife of the captain does it

I spice up a lot of dishes with vanilla, because vanilla does not only fit in desserts, but is also a very delicious spice with hearty treats. I put each scraped vanilla pod in a tin box with brown sugar, which quickly assumes the wonderful vanilla flavour. A teaspoon of this sugar is often the icing on a dish.

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Pescado a la Veracruzana - Thunfisch mexikanisch February 23rd, 2021 | main dishes

Pescado a la Veracruzana – Mexican tuna

In times when we cannot travel due to the corona pandemic, why not bring a holiday feeling on our plate at home! Last weekend we were on a short culinary trip in Mexico, more precisely in Veracruz on the east coast of Mexico. A wonderful tuna fish with a fiery, colorful sauce awaited us and it was as if we were listening to the sounds of marimba and mariachi in the humid, warm evening air… Viva México!

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Picking blueberries – a heavenly pleasure

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June 15th, 2018 | main dishes

Matjes season starts right now

“Fischkopp” [head of a fish] is the affectionate name for a North German. For them, Matjes season starts in June. I hardly can imagine anything that tastes more like North Germany: Matjes which means young salted herring. Matjes homestyle with apples we eat for hearty breakfast or we enjoy it as a main meal with fresh potatoes or a thick slice of black bread. How we prepare the matjes at home, you can read here:

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