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Jackfruit curry with pineapple

Jackfruit curry with pineapple

March 3rd, 2018 | main dishes

Curry dishes, especially the traditional sailor’s curry, are not to be left out of our diet. Mostly a curry is cooked on chicken. Here I introduce a vegetarian alternative – for those who want to reduce their meat consumption. Ginger, garlic, poppy seed, cumin, turmeric, coconut milk and jackfruit. Pretty exotic, right?

Jackfruit curry with pineapple

Do you know jackfruit? They are grown in all tropical areas of the world. The young, immature fruit is used as a vegetable and is a contemporary alternative for those who value a conscious and meat-reduced diet. The fruit, which can weigh up to 30 kg in the ripe state, is full of ballast and minerals and, at 22 Kcal per 100 g, is a great, low-calorie base for our curry.

I am not a vegetarian and I do not believe in products advertised by names like “Tofu Schnitzel”, “Vegetarian Meatballs or Roast Sausages”. I do not need “as-if-products”. I like to eat vegetarian, but I also like to eat meat. What matters is where the meat comes from. I only buy meat from organic and regional breeding. And I try to reduce our meat consumption because we all eat too much meat. Jackfruit is a good alternative!

In Germany they don’t sell jackfruit at the weekly market. So where do you buy it from? Jacky F. is a young company that imports canned jackfruit from Sri Lanka. Founder Julia knows the farmers and producers personally. It ensures a transparent, fair and sustainable supply chain. Only the best organic ingredients are used without the addition of artificial flavors, preservatives and additives. At Jacky F. you can easily buy the jackfruit online and find all sorts of interesting facts about this versatile fruit.

Have fun cooking the jackfruit curry and even more fun while enjoying it!

Jackfruit curry with pineapple

2 cans jackfruit (each 225 g drained weight)
1 TS ginger
1.5 TS garlic
prepare a ginger garlic paste: scrape off the shell of the ginger, mince the garlic and ginger, and finely puree with 3-4 tablespoons of water in a blender
1 large onion, cut into rings
1 TS sunflower oil
sauté the onion
1 TS ginger-garlic paste
1 TS poppy seed
1 fresh green and 1 red chili pepper, seeded, finely chopped
add, roast for 1 minute, remove from heat, let cool slightly, put the mixture in a blender
1 handful of fresh mint leaves
2-3 TS water
add and puree to a solid paste
1 TS sunflower oil
heat up a lot
½ ts cumin
put in, fry until lightly brown
2 ripe tomatoes, roughly chopped
1 ts turmeric, ground
1 ts Garam masala
add with the dripped jackfruit, simmer until the tomatoes are tender
add the paste from the blender, stir, salt
300 ml of coconut milk
add and bring to a boil, remove from heat
2 thick slices of fresh pineapple, cut into pieces
8 dried apricots, unsulphured, roughly chopped
add 2 minutes to warm on low heat
1 spring onion, cut into rings
some fresh tomato cubes
1 TS roasted coconut chips
sprinkle on the dish and serve

And this is how the wife of the captain does it

This ginger-garlic paste is essential for many Indian dishes. I prepare it in greater quantity and freeze it. To do this I portion the paste in small handy packages of 1 to 1.5 TS in aluminum foil and pack them in a plastic box.

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