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Poppy seed cake

Poppy seed cake

January 17th, 2019 | bread & pastries

A crispy brown baked curd-oil dough forms the basis for this cake. The juicy poppy layer is topped by buttery-tasty crumbles. Whipped cream may but has not have to be. Any questions?

Poppy seed cake

Sheet cake is always handy if you have many people at the coffee table. But of course you can also freeze a part of this wonderful poppy seed cake. Without problems.

Poppy seed cake

(results in a baking sheet with approx. 20 pieces – Attention: Allow the poppy seed mixture  to cool down about 60 minutes)

500 ml of milk
75 g butter
125 g of liquid honey
1 ts cinnamon
bring to the boil
250 g of ground poppy seed
50 g of soft wheat semolina
add while stirring and cook for about 2 minutes to a thick porridge, leave to cool for about 1 hour
2 eggs
1 organic lemon, 1 ts grated peel
2 TS rum
stir under the poppy seed, set aside
300 g of flour
175 g of sugar
1 p vanilla sugar
200 g soft butter
1 pinch of salt
put all the ingredients in a bowl and quickly form with your fingers to thick crumble, refrigerate
200 g of lean curd
100 ml of milk
100 ml rapeseed oil
75 g of sugar
1 pinch of salt
400 g of flour
1 p baking powder
add and process quickly with the dough hook to a smooth dough
roll out the dough on a greased baking tray, forming a small edge, spread the poppy seed mixture on the dough, sprinkle with the crumble topping
bake the cake on the bottom rail at 200° C for 45 minutes until the dough edges are golden brown

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