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Fried T-bone steak on a wooden board

T-bone steak fried in the pan - that's how it works

August 22nd, 2021 | main dishes

You only need four things: the excellent quality steak, pepper, salt and a cooking thermometer. So far so good. Everything is there. But frankly, I’d never fried a T-bone steak myself before. So we got the advice of a chef friend from the cruise. Lo and behold: It’s very easy and the result is stunning!

T-bone steak fried in the pan - that's how it works

It is of course important – if you treat yourself to such a high-priced piece of meat – to choose one of the best quality. A good dry-aged T-bone steak of around 600 to 700 grams costs just under 50 euros, is sufficient for two people – and worth every euro.

It is also important and useful to use a cooking thermometer. At a core temperature of 54° C, the meat is perfectly pink and cooked to the point.

A large, colorful salad and a glass of Valpolicella with it – a festive meal!

And this is how it works:

T-bone steak fried in the pan

(Serves 2 – Caution: Preheat the oven to 90° C top/bottom heat)

1 T-bone steak approx. 650 g, approx. 3 - 3.5 cm thick
sear the steak in a cast iron pan in hot ghee or clarified butter for 2 minutes on each side
put the steak on a plate, put a cooking thermometer in the middle of the steak (make sure that the thermometer is not in direct contact with the bone)
place in the oven without cover at 90° C and bring it to a core temperature of 54° for approx. 40 minutes
then fry in hot butter for 30 seconds on each side
put on a plate and cover with aluminum foil and let rest for approx. 4 minutes
coarse fleur de sel
pepper from the grinder
season the T-bone steak with salt and pepper and serve

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