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Via Romea Germanica: Hiking shoes on spring meadow

Via Romea Germanica - all roads lead to Rome

May 16th, 2024 | on the road

… some even on foot. My journey from Stade near Hamburg to Rome begins on Pentecost Sunday. On foot. 2,200 kilometers in 111 days. In the footsteps of Abbot Albert, who walked this path as early as 1236 to reach the center of Christianity. 105 hiking days, 6 rest days, 105 different overnight stays. The route is the goal.

Via Romea Germanica - all roads lead to Rome Via Romea Germanica - all roads lead to Rome

Unfortunately, my favorite captain can only accompany me for the first three stages and then the stages from Schongau to Forlí near Ravenna, at least 5 weeks. His ship is waiting… But I’m not alone: two fellow hikers we met on the Moselsteig are taking the same route. We haven’t always planned our route in parallel and only spend the night in the same accommodation every now and then, but we will probably meet somewhere along the route almost every day – and set off together from Stade and – God willing – arrive in Rome together.

Someone asked me if I was starting this project to find myself. My answer: No, I found myself many years ago. But of course such a path is also somehow spiritual: getting up, having breakfast, walking, arriving, eating, sleeping – and the same ritual again and again the next days. There is something. And I enjoy being in nature, noticing the little wonders along the way and moving through various regions on foot, almost at a snail’s pace. Walking is the most natural, human form of transportation. Everything else, even moving around by bike, is actually too fast for our senses.

I am looking forward to being “on the road” and crossing Lower Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia and Bavaria in Germany. I will experience Austria and South Tyrol in this way and in Italy I will hike through Veneto, the Emilia-Romana, Tuscany, Umbria and Lazio until I arrive in Rome after about 2,200 kilometers.

A project that is grounding.

I reserved all accommodations in advance. I will stay overnight in pilgrim hostels, a trailer, in youth hostels, with private individuals who kindly offer pilgrims accommodation for one night. I will spend a night in the bell tower of St. Jacob’s Church in Augsburg, as well as in a small railway, various monasteries, guesthouses, B & B and Italian agriturismi. I am excited.

I will regularly upload photos and stories from my journey on Instagram and Facebook. Just take a look! For more information about the German part of the path please click here – the Austrian and Italian way is described here.

“I’m off.”

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  1. Hello, I have just found your blog about walking the Via Romea Germanica and look forward to following following your posts.
    Many thanks, Marilyn.
    New Zealan.

    1. Hello Marilyn,
      thank you for your interest in my hiking Tour. New Zealand must be a fascinating place with beautiful Nature. I am wondering why you are looking for Trails in Europe.
      Best regards

  2. Hi Bettina
    I have been on several beautiful and very special walks here in New Zealand. So many of our walks, though, are what we call tramping tracks – they are often rough tracks, not pathways, and all food and food waste, has to be carried, often cooking equipment and tents and bedding etc. What draws me to walks in Europe is the that there isn’t the need to carry so much equipment and, most importantly, is the history of the places the trails take us through, New Zealand is a very young country, and I am especially drawn to pilgrimage routes. I have already walked some pilgrimage routes in France and Spain and I am looking forward to learning about Germany. I am looking forward to following you through your blog.
    Best wishes for your Via Romea Germanica.

    I first learnt of the Via Romea Germanica a year or so ago and it

    1. Hi Marilyn,
      that’s interesting!Indeed, we walk without cooking equipment an bedding. Instead we sleep in pilgrim’s hostels of churches, in private houses where people offer space for pilgrims, in hotels and so on. That’s really comfortable, because I carry only 5 kg (without water and food).
      If you ever come to Germany for a pilgrimage, you are invited to get in contact with us. We can help you with accomodations etc. if you wish.
      You can join the Via Romea on FB or Instagram 😉
      Best regards,

  3. Hi Bettina
    Thank you so much for your kind and generous offer of help with accommodation if we walk the Via Romea Germanica. My husband, Jeff, and I are very interested in this pilgrim route, possibly starting this September or April next year but we have much to learn – and I have already joined the Via Romea on both FB and Instagram 🙂
    Best wishes for your Via, walk well,

  4. Hello
    We are planning to walk from Stade to Innsbruck in June/July 2025.
    Would love to read your blog especially any tips for good accommodation that you found. However we could not find any of your posts.
    Neil & Anne from Australia

    1. Dear Neil and Anne, congrats to your plan to walk from Stade to Innsbruck – that’s a really impressing hike.
      Actually I did not write blog posts about my way to Rome up to now, instead I posted Instagram stories of every day of my hike.
      Of course I can give you recommendations for accomodations along the way. I will send a separate E-Mail to you accordingly.
      Best regards & Buon Cammino

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