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"Last-minute“ pea soup

December 31st, 2017 | starter

Outside I hear the first firecrackers, 2017’s grand finale approaches. If you want to conjure up a quick midnight soup, here comes another idea for a rapid recipe. No, actually not a recipe, but rather a “free-style” instructions with ingredients you certainly have at hands.

I usually sauté chopped shallots in butter, just as you prefer it, together with or without chopped smoked bacon or ham (smoked, air-dried or boiled). I add frozen peas and fill up (ideally with home-made) chicken stock (maybe out of the glass or instant broth as well). Simmer for two minutes, add salt and pepper from the mill – and then comes the blender for use.

From here you can refine the pea soup in different directions: you can add, as pictured, shrimps fried in olive oil with garlic and thyme. Also mini sausages, crispy fried Chorizo or a little crème fraîche fit well. We also very much like fresh mint leaves mashed with the peas. Grated goat cheese or croutons are always a perfect topping. And a few drops of pumpkin seed oil are also a nice addition.

Let the imagination run free and try out what you find in your fridge! Tell me how your „last-minute“ pea soup has evolved!

PS This pea soup is also a prima kick-off for a multi-course menu, especially when arranged in a small preserving jar.

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April 1st, 2018 | main dishes

Spaghetti with seafood a la Carmen

Spaghetti frutti di mare, Espagueti con Mariscos, Spaghetti mit Meeresfrüchten, Spaghetti aux Fruits de Mer – fine sounding names for a wonderful dish. We liked it especially in the restaurant “Enriclai” in St. Cruz de La Palma, and we asked Doña Carmen for the recipe.

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Cheese Waffles with Tomato Sauce September 6th, 2018 | main dishes

Cheese Waffles with Tomato Sauce

The Austrians call the tomato “Paradeiser”. During late summer I can understand this name well. Everywhere in the markets and maybe even in your own garden, the red, ripe fruits are shining and at this time of the year, they actually taste heavenly delicious. Time for tomato dishes of all kinds – today I’ll show you cheese waffles with tomato sauce.

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August 16th, 2018 | side dishes

BBQ potatoes

Finally, a side dish that also works on the grill: Salsa Verde Potatoes replace the classic grill companion, the French bread. Anchovies, capers and olives give great flavour, and fresh herbs add the ultimate kick. Whether the pan is on the stove or the grill in the end is irrelevant to the taste.

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