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Plaice Fillet with Lettuce and Peach

July 20th, 2018 | main dishes

Sesame oil, or more precisely roasted sesame oil, makes this simple green salad taste so special. In combination with the sweetness of the peach and the fresh herbs this salad matches perfectly to the crunchy fried plaice. A light and fast summer meal.

Plaice Fillet with Lettuce and Peach

Plaice fillet with lettuce and peach

(4 portions)

1 lettuce or green oak leaf lettuce
wash, shake dry
2 peaches
core, cut into very thin slices
½ bunch of fresh herbs (eg chives, smooth parsley, borage, fennel greens, salad burnet)
chop herbs, mix with salad and peach slices
juice of 1 lime
1 ts of palm sugar or brown cane sugar
2-2.5 TS of roasted sesame oil
whisk and mix with the salad
4 plaice fillets
wash, dry
salt pepper,
a few drops of lemon juice
season the fillets lightly, pepper and drizzle with a little lemon juice
3-4 TS of flour
put the flour on a plate, turn the plaice fillets in it, until the fish has a thin layer of flour, shake off
frying oil or ghee
fry the fish in plenty of hot fat for about 2-3 minutes on each side, the fish may become a bit crunchy
1 lemon
serve the fish with the salad, garnish with lemon slices and, if available, with borage flowers

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Hungarian Goulash in the kettle October 14th, 2018 | Landgänge

Hungarian goulash – straight from the Puszta

From Budapest we made our way to the Hungarian Puszta. If there is a “real” Hungarian goulash somewhere, then in Hortobágyi, a small town in the middle of the Puszta. On the bridge market (Hídivásár), which is celebrated annually on the national holiday in Hortobágyi, we found it. Here it boiled and bubbled in large cauldrons. And we brought the recipe…

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Venison fillet with walnut and herb crust and elderberry gravy

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Christmas Stollen December 8th, 2017 | bread & pastries

The Christmas Stollen Project

Christmas Stollen never played a role in my childhood. We rather preferred Hamburg brown cookies or spekulatius for our Christmas baking. Anyway, without Christmas Stollen Christmas in some places of Germany is not even imaginable…That’s the reason, why I found it always exciting. A heavy yeast dough with candied fruit, raisins and a dash of good rum. The Stollen must traverse several weeks (minimum two weeks) before you eat it – if you do manage to defend it against the family. Attention: This weekend is your last chance to bake a Stollen, which can be served “well matured” at Christmas on your coffee table. Otherwise, you must wait another year…

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