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Mandelhörnchen mit Schokoladenglasur December 15th, 2023 | bread & pastries

Almond cookies with chocolate icing

Today I would like to share a delicious recipe with you: almond cookies with chocolate icing. They look good on every coffee table not only at Christmas time, but also throughout the rest of the year. These little treats are easy to prepare and a real delicacy for all chocolate lovers.

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Weihnachtskekse mit Haselnuss - Kapitänskekse November 29th, 2020 | bread & pastries

Captain’s cookies for Christmas

Of course, these delicious nougat hazelnut cookies were not always called Captain’s cookies, as one rarely knows as a young child which profession he will take up as an adult. And this preference does exist already as long as this. So to say, recipe and biscuits have also been promoted.

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Christmas "Schokoli" are cookies with chocolate, tonka bean, stuffed with a hazelnut kernel December 9th, 2018 | bread & pastries

Christmas “Schokoli” with tonka bean

Christmas “Schokoli” are chocolate cookies of my childhood. We made them every Advent season. I refined my mother’s recipe with a bit of tonka bean. This is how the small, tender chocolate balls taste even better! And somehow even more Christmassy!

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Hamburg Brown Cake - a traditional North German Christmas cookie December 12th, 2017 | bread & pastries

Hamburg Brown Biscuits for 3rd Advent

The advent dream of my childhood: the original Hamburg Brown Biscuits. In my grandma’s recipe book in grain and lot, today it is more feasible in grams and teaspoons – my favourite pastries for Christmas! The photo is some years old. Then, our children stamped names on the cookies – a nice idea as a small Christmas gift.

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