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Christmas "Schokoli" are cookies with chocolate, tonka bean, stuffed with a hazelnut kernel

Christmas "Schokoli" with tonka bean

December 9th, 2018 | bread & pastries

Christmas “Schokoli” are chocolate cookies of my childhood. We made them every Advent season. I refined my mother’s recipe with a bit of tonka bean. This is how the small, tender chocolate balls taste even better! And somehow even more Christmassy!


Tonka beans are one of my favorite spices. They are perfect for refining pastries and desserts, but also give savory sauces – used sparingly – a fine, exotic touch. I prefer to use tonka beans from “Altes Gewürzamt” [Old Spice Office]. There, the Tonka beans are placed in rum for 24 hours and then fermented. This creates a unique aroma of bitter almonds, woodruff and vanilla.

The “Schokoli” are really easy to make. I always made them – as my mom did – together with my son and my daughter when they were very small. And indeed, they loved to turn the balls between their palms and drag the nut into the middle. So, do not read for long, but directly to the mixing bowl!

Christmas „Schokoli“ biscuits with tonka bean

250 g butter
stir the butter until foamy, add
100 g icing sugar
1 pack vanilla sugar
stir, add
250 potato starch meal
75 g flour, sieved
30 g cocoa powder, sieved
1 ts cardamom, grated
1 ts cinnamon
½ small tonka bean, grated
stir and form rolls of the dough, wrap into plastic wrap and cool for 1 hour or overnight,
200 g hazelnuts
cut the rolls into slices, put one nut in the middle of each slice and form balls
bake 15 – 20 minutes at 175° C
chocolate coating
decorate cooled cookies with melted chocolate coating

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    1. Hi Tina, sorry for my late reply.
      250 grams of potato or corn starch meal is correct. Did you try the recipe?
      Merry Christmas to you!

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