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Cucumber salmon sushi - a quick recipe for hot days

July 17th, 2023 | main dishes

Hot days, tropical nights – you don’t have an appetite for a warm meal? And don’t feel like standing in the kitchen for a long time? Then these cucumber salmon sushi are just right for you! They are quickly “assembled” and simply taste delicious! I’ll show you how to do it:

With “real” sushi, the sticky sushi rice keeps the roll in shape. However, the rice must first be washed extensively and then boiled. A rather lengthy procedure. With the Cucumber Salmon Sushi, thinly sliced cucumber strips provide the necessary support for salmon, salad, etc. Together with one or maybe two or three different dips, this green roll is simply unbeatable! Also ingenious: Use raw sashimi-quality salmon instead of smoked salmon.

Vegetarians can of course also use mango strips, roasted, chopped cashews or peanuts instead of salmon, I can also imagine a very thin fried omelette or crumbled feta cheese – there are no limits to your imagination.

Cucumber Salmon Sushi

(serves 2 as a starter)

1 organic cucumber
wash the cucumber, cut unpeeled into thin strips lengthwise with a vegetable peeler
lay the cucumber strips out on a cutting board, overlapping
100 g of cream cheese
distribute in the lower third on the cucumber strips
1 avocado, cut into thin strips
spread flat on the cream cheese
100 g smoked salmon
spread on the avocado strips
2 handfuls of baby spinach or rocket salad
spread on the smoked salmon
some sprigs of coriander
put on the spinach or rocket
now fold the cucumber strips over the filling (if necessary, use a spatula (better: dough card) and roll up the whole thing tightly into a roll
slice the roll with a sharp knife and arrange the cucumber sushi
black pepper, freshly ground
Piment d'Espelette or ground chili
sprinkle spices over the sushi slices and serve

Wasabi ginger dip

1/2 ts wasabi paste (more if you like)
1 TS dark soy sauce
1 level ts of sugar
1/4 ts salt
1 1/2 TS lime juice
2 TS water
1 heaped ts ginger, finely chopped
mix all the ingredients into a dip

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Rabbit with stuffed onions and apples April 13th, 2019 | main dishes

Rabbit with stuffed onions and apples

A festive dish, made for the family party at Easter! The rabbit legs stay in the oven for three hours at low temperature – enough time to prepare the stuffed onions and bring the banquet to the table. Slow Food, so to speak.

Due to the long, gentle cooking time, the rabbit is super-tender and juicy, the stuffed onions taste delicious and are a real eye-catcher. The stewed apples and a velvety-spicy sauce complete a perfect festive meal. Your guests will be thrilled!

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April 11th, 2018 | main dishes

What does Ratatouille have in common with Frankfurt Green Sauce?

Granted, at first glance (or better: bite) not much. But surely there are infinitely many, different opinions about the “what” and “how” for both dishes. What exactly are the ingredients and how exactly is it prepared. One thing seems indisputable: tomatoes, aubergines, zucchini and peppers are a must, everything else can.

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Campari Torte August 28th, 2018 |

Campari orange in white pantsuit

Many years ago, I once met an elderly, chic lady in a white pantsuit on the pier of Usedom [island at the Baltic Sea]. She was sitting there enjoying a Campari orange. As she left, she stopped by our table, said what great kids we had, and left. That was a magical moment. Since then, I have dreamed of living in the house by the sea, drinking my Campari orange in my white pantsuit in the early evening. I’m still working on it. And until then there is the drink as a cake. My Campari cake is the cracker in the summer!

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